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Abiding in Christ
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 26, 2021
The Secret of Contentment
Speaker: Carlos Rodriguez Series: Abiding in Christ Passage: Philippians 4:10–13
October 28, 2018
Speaker: Carlos Rodriguez Series: Abiding in Christ Topic: Passage: John 15:26– 16:4
October 21, 2018
Not of the World
Speaker: Carlos Rodriguez Series: Abiding in Christ Topic: Passage: John 15:18–25
October 14, 2018
A Friend of God
Speaker: Carlos Rodriguez Series: Abiding in Christ Topic: Passage: John 15:12–17
September 30, 2018
Remain in My Love
Speaker: Carlos Rodriguez Series: Abiding in Christ Topic: Passage: John 15:9–11
September 9, 2018
Fruit of the Vine
Speaker: Carlos Rodriguez Series: Abiding in Christ Topic: Passage: John 15:3–5
September 2, 2018
The Vine Life
Speaker: Carlos Rodriguez Series: Abiding in Christ Topic: Passage: John 15:1–2