Ministry Update from Robert Knuth: June 2022

"Robert, I think Christianity makes sense."

Elizabeth started coming to RUF large group in September because one of her sorority sisters invited her. It took two months for us to eventually grab coffee, but when we met, she told me she had not been to church since she was 4 years old. 

She was willing to try out RUF because she "had always been spiritual, but it wasn't until I started noticing how different my friend treated me that I became curious in Christianity, specifically."

Here's the thing though: if you haven't been raised in the Church, Christian culture at first can be confusing and overwhelming (i.e. why are there songs? Or, everybody seems to know what they're there a place for me here?) At one point, she looked at me, point blank, and said:

"Robert, I know we're going through a sermon series called 'The Life of Peter,' but I don't even know who Peter is. Can you help me? Where do I start?" 

These are the kinds of questions pastors dream about being asked. I gave her a Bible (she didn't have one), and told her to read the Gospel of John over break, being sure to make note of things she liked, disliked, or found confusing. The plan was to talk about everything when she got back to campus.

The next semester I preached through a sermon series on relationships. Maybe it was due to the sheer practical nature of the sermon series, but Elizabeth soon became a regular attender at large group--and when she missed, she would listen to the sermons as they were posted on our podcast app (link below). 

It wasn't until April that we actually found the time to sit down and talk about the Gospel of John, the relationship series, and her overall thoughts on Christianity. Our conversation went a little like this:

Her: "Robert, I find myself changing how I think about my life. The craziest thing has happened that I can't even explain...I feel softer toward people. Is that the word? Like, they don't bug me as much. I don't know...does that even make sense to you?"

Me: (smiling really big) "It makes more sense than you know. How long have you felt this way? What do you think is changing you like this?

Her: "Just all throughout the semester it's become more and more of a thing. I listen to your sermons and they just make sense. Robert, I think Christianity makes sense. But I don't know who to tell because I don't want people thinking I'm some religious crazy person. I've told my siblings and they seem to be understanding, but I don't know how my sorority sisters are going to react if they find out I might be a Christian now." 

The conversation proceeded for another 45 minutes or so. Elizabeth is excited to attend our local church more, and hopefully make strides toward membership (that's our next conversation).

Will you pray for Elizabeth? Will you pray that God gives her the boldness to live as a follower of Jesus on a campus, and in a city, where it is definitely not cool to be a Christian? Will you pray that she grows in love for the Church? Will you pray that the Holy Spirit gives me wisdom to know how to best equip her with the one semester I have with her (Fall 2022) before she graduates?

Elizabeth is just one of about 5ish sorority girls now who faithfully attend large group on Wednesday nights, hearing the Word of God preached and exposited. As far as I know, only one other girl in this friend group is a Christian. 

Please continue to pray for us, for UMich, and for our local church here. God is faithfully working wonders through the prayers of His people (you!). Thank you for your financial support--it allows ministry in all forms to happen here.

y yours,



Robert Knuth June 2022– Image 1 of 6


Dear friends,

Thank you for all the support that you have bestowed to RUF throughout the years as the Lord works through our family to reach college students for Jesus. Right now, I need somewhere in the ballpark of $15,000 to meet our budgetary goals for this year. Will you consider giving to the ministry of RUF at Michigan? If you are giving, will you consider increasing your gift?

Some of the context for this financial need is that our ministry is growing! Large group attendance averages around 50 students weekly, with even more than that plugged into weekly life groups (bible studies). Obviously this is a great thing, but it also comes with a need for an increased programming budget (so we can continue to reach students at the rate we have been doing).

I look forward to touching base with many of you throughout the summer. As always, please do not be a stranger! I would LOVE to hear from you. 

Donate to RUF

In Him,

Robert(757) 971-1501